Thursday, October 6, 2016

St. Casimir

In late 1800s, the Polish community that would become known as Kaisertown, founded the Roman Catholic parish of St. Casimir. The parish home went from a small church and school in 1890 to the imposing and beautiful ,  that stands on Casimir Street between Cable and Weimar. The cornerstone of the existing structure was set in 1927.  Architect Chester Oakley brought to fruition, the vision of the church's pastor Rev. Anthony Majewski. With an extensive knowledge of church design gleaned from his travels from Europe to Constantinople, Majewski, through Oakley, constructed a unique place of worship. As one passes through the still modest neighborhood, you are struck by the arresting exotic nature of the facade. A notable visitor to the church was Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, later to become Pope John Paul II. In 2014 the venerated Pontiff achieved Sainthood. A room in the rectory, where the future canonized Pope slept, is now open to the public. 

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